curiousity is female

what do I need to do to live an experience of erotic massage?

the path inspire you

the dark appereance suggest you mistery

makes your imagination starts to fly

your inner voice begins to ask


what would it happen?

if I'm in my hotel room I'm safe


and if he do not like me?

you are asking for a massage, not a husband


but what about my feelings, I feel ashamed

this is his job, to make you feel confortable, beautiful and desired


I'm nervous, what happens next?

the better experiences in life are enjoyed with the clear mind

this is one of them

if you insist just drink a glass of wine

well, but if I fall asleep?
I think this could be the least of your fears with an erotic massage


may I fall in love with him?
of course not, I'm grow up


ok, let's fill this form
I'll help you
I'm nervous too


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© Riproduzione riservata Velvet Hands



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