the etiquette of the appointment


Before fixing the appointment

I know from experience best appointments are those given during the day. I strongly suggest you to set the session for no more than three days from the first contact.


Before the massage
The massage take place at your hotel room in absolute confidentiality.

Please take a shower and set the room temperature at a comfortable, warm level.

In order to create atmosfere everything can evoke your memories is welcome: your music, scented candles, soft lighting, etc.

please turn off your phone or remove the ring. It's extremely relevant.


During the massage
By booking your massage you agree to remain in a PASSIVE role throughout the entire massage. I know, it might be an unusual experience but wonderful.

we both know how it starts the massage, but none of us knows how it will end.
established the feeling the massage may decline in different versions: engaging in sweetness, tenderness, or so shocking brain ...
I open a new door that you don't know where it takes.



After the massage
Session ended you will feel the warmth of my soul tuned with your inner smile. 

You must know you will never be contacted by any reason, your privacy is not an option, it's my guarantee.